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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Answers

What is the process to obtain a MyAnswers solution?

The solution number for each solution is a link. Click on the link which will take you to the purchase page. Click on the PayPal Buy Now buttion, complete and submit the payment. I'll receive an email with your payment including the solution number and your email address. The solution will be sent to your email address.

What if I'm not happy with the MyAnswers solution?

Simply reply to the email I sent you and ask for a refund. I appreciate you've taken the time to use my service and if it hasn't worked for you that's OK. I haven't helped you and I'm happy to refund your money.

What if I solve my problem before getting the MyAnswers solution?

I fully understand there's times where after making a purchase you'll then work out the issue yourself. There's also times I'll be busy and can't get the solution to you as quickly as we'd both like. That's not a problem. Simply reply to the email I sent you and ask for a refund and I'll refund your money.

How can I search for solutions?

On the search page and each topic page is a search field. You can also generally use Google to search for solutions. Add "MyAnswers" to your search criteria in Google.

When you are presented with a page of solutions that you have located if you can't find the solution on the page, press Control+F for the find dialogue. Now search for any word or phrase in the current web page.

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