Online Connections

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Online Connections accepts cash, cheque, direct deposit, or credit card (processing fee for credit card) on completion of the work.


Cash is the easiest and quickest form of payment. Please make sure you have sufficient funds to cover the work involved.

Credit card payments

We use the PayPal service to process payments.

The cost of processing using PayPal may be passed on to customers for larger amounts.

Click on the following button to pay by credit card. For credit card payments, at the PayPal screen enter the amount and then select the option Pay with credit or debit card to pay by credit card.

Payments from a PayPal account are also welcome.


Please make cheques out to Online Connections.

Direct Deposit

Our banking details will be provided.

We ask that direct deposit payments be made at the time of service.

Unfortunately over a third of people making payment by direct deposit require following up multiple times, or turn into bad debts, which then end up as higher rates for other clients. This isn't productive or fair.

If you wish to use direct deposit please also make the commitment you'll make the payment at the completion of the work.


All payments are entered into our system. Invoices are emailed on request.

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